How To Pick The Right Takeaway Boxes For Your Business
Having the right food boxes to suit your takeaway business can really help to build your customer base, along with your brand. Consistency and practicality are key. People desire packaging that is familiar, but also packaging that they know does its job, which is, ultimately, to keep food fresh.
Additionally, with most people becoming more environmentally aware, they’re seeking eco-friendly products that can be easily recycled, reused, or composted, to help reduce their carbon footprint. For example, Albiz offers eco-friendly takeaway food containers that are 100% recyclable, which would be perfect for businesses and customers wishing to live a greener life..
So, what type of boxes will be right for you and your takeaway business? Consider the below factors to help you decide.
1. Material

As already mentioned, a lot of people are seeking eco-friendly products, which means most businesses have had to adjust their approach and the products that they offer to meet this demand.
If you’re a business owner wanting to build positive relationships with your customers, then showing that you responsibly source your products will go a long way in achieving that.
Not only are our polystyrene food trays perfect for keeping food hot since they’re made from strong insulating material, but they’re also recyclable.
Alternatively, you may decide that using cardboard boxes for takeaway food could be the better option for your business. This will give your customers more ways to dispose of their packaging. For example, our fish and chip boxes can be recycled or composted.
However, if you're a takeaway business that only serves cold food, such as salads and pasta, then cardboard boxes won’t be necessary since most takeaway boxes are designed to keep food hot. Plastic takeaway boxes will probably suit your business better; they’re made from strong crystal-clear plastic, so your customers will be able to admire their food, they have tight-fitting lids, which will help to keep food safe, and they’re 100% recyclable.
2. Design
Another thing you should consider when choosing takeaway boxes for your business is whether you want to go for a minimalist design, or something more creative.
As previously mentioned, people desire familiarity. If a customer finds a takeaway restaurant that they enjoy eating from, then it needs to be made easy for them to become a returning customer. They need to be able to remember your brand, and to become familiar with it, in order for them to keep coming back, again and again. Additionally, customers want to be confident in the takeaway restaurant that they use, so building brand awareness through consistency in packaging is one way to help you build your customer’s trust.
Of course, the type of packaging you choose can also depend on your business and the message you’re trying to deliver to your customers.
For example, if you want to deliver an eco-friendly message, then picking packaging that is plain, without ink, will make it easier for your customers to instantly recognise that you're an eco-friendly takeaway business.
On the other hand, the takeaway boxes that you choose to use might just come down to personal choice.
For example, if you sell salads and pasta, then a clean, unfussy design will probably work well, whereas for more bespoke food, where you’re offering a unique twist, then a design that stands out from the crowd may be a better suit.
Branded takeaway boxes are not appropriate for every business and their ethos. Our plain pizza boxes are perfect for takeaway businesses seeking a minimalist look.
3. Repurposed

Most takeaways boxes can be recycled or composted; however, some people may prefer to reuse or repurpose their packaging.
To repurpose plastic food containers is fairly simple. Once the containers are empty and clean, they can be used as storage containers. This is worth considering if you’re a business who likes to encourage customers to repurpose their packaging.
Our plastic containers come with handy hinged lids; this makes them perfect for people wishing to repurpose their packaging to store items, such as bathroom accessories, or small kitchen utensils.
If you're a takeaway business that uses pizza boxes, then there are a number of ways your customers can dispose of them.
For example, pizza boxes can be easy to recycle. If someone wishes to recycle them, then they just need to ensure that they’re empty of food before popping them into the designated bins.
To compost pizza boxes, the cardboard needs to be broken down into smaller pieces.
However, for people considering repurposing their pizza boxes, then there are some creative ways they can do this. For example, once the pizza box has been cleaned, it can be used as an art easel for children, or it would make a great storage box for vinyl records.
These are just a few of the factors to consider when deciding what type of packaging you’d like for your takeaway business.
Albiz Packaging offers a wide range of takeaway packaging, including eco-friendly cutlery, which can be recycled or composted.